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Emile DeWeaver (Leading with Conviction™ 2022) writes:
“Californians have been demanding a course correction away from mass incarceration for over a decade, and earlier this year, Governor Gavin Newsom announced his ‘California Model’ for the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR), an ill-defined set of proposals sold as a supposed step in that direction. His plan includes demolishing San Quentin State Prison’s death row and building a ‘state-of-the-art’ building that he says will provide stronger rehabilitation opportunities for the limited number of incarcerated people allowed to access it.
“While Newsom says his nebulous model represents progress, it is much closer to what philosophers would call a near enemy of progress.
Newsom’s definition of mass incarceration is fundamentally inadequate.
“Far enemies are obvious—hate is the far enemy of love, for example. Near enemies are more insidious because they resemble what we desire while actually undermining our goal. Pity is the near enemy of compassion; sympathy is the near enemy of empathy. People have long used this idea to understand emotions, but it translates well into the sphere of social transformation. Cancel culture is a near enemy of accountability, while identity politics is the near enemy of centering impacted people.
Emile DeWeaver with then Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom in San Quentin Prison, 2016. (Photo: Emile DeWeaver)
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