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Teresa Hodge speaks on “Innovators Rethinking Criminal Justice Systems” at the Milken Institute’s 2024 Global Conference

May 20, 2024

On May 8, Teresa Hodge (Leading with Conviction™ 2015) joined a panel of experts — including Ari Melber from MSNBC — at the 27th Annual Global Conference of the Milken Institute to discuss “innovations reshaping justice systems — from prevention to prison reform and rehabilitation.”

The panel explored “how governments, corporations, and not-for-profits around the world are moving from business-as-usual to assess new models to improve public safety, create safer communities, and help individuals visualize a life after crime.”

Teresa posted on LinkedIn these “Top 10 Takeaways” from the panel:

  1. Innovation is Crucial: Urgent need for solutions that enhance efficiency and fairness.
  2. Educational Programs: Crucial for addressing inmate literacy.
  3. Data Utilization: Key to improving rehabilitation and reintegration.
  4. Cost of Incarceration: Economic impacts necessitate resource reallocation.
  5. Effective Re-entry: Reducing recidivism through strong re-entry programs.
  6. Global Challenges: Sharing adaptable strategies from around the world.
  7. Racial Disparities: Urgent need for reforms to address systemic issues.
  8. Transformation and Resilience: Importance of supporting personal transformation.
  9. Community Engagement: Community’s role in driving reforms.
  10. Vision for the Future: A humane justice system that prioritizes rehabilitation and dignity.

Watch the full panel discussion:

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