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For his second year in a row, Chivas Watson (Leading with Conviction™ 2023) joined an anti-death penalty protest in Washington, D.C., this week. The 31st annual “Starvin’ for Justice: Fast and Vigil” took place June 29-July 2 in partnership with Death Penalty Watch to promote death penalty abolition. The protest events took place in front of the Supreme Court building.
“I am so tired of waiting, aren’t you? For the world to become good and beautiful and kind.” —Langston Hughes
As the event description says, “For four days, death penalty abolitionists from around the country [gathered] at the steps of the Supreme Court to call for an end to capital punishment in the United States. It is an energizing grassroots week of training, advocacy, action, community, and education. Tens of thousands of tourists and locals, from all over the U.S. and throughout the world, pass by our vigil and table, so the opportunity for dialogue and discussion at a real grass-roots level is invaluable to the movement. Additionally, each evening we hear stories from murder victim family members, death row exonerees, death row families and leaders in the national abolition movement.”
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