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This week, Congress announced the full passage of the Federal Prison Oversight Act. Championed in the U.S. Senate by Sens. Ossof (D-GA), Durbin (D-IL), and Braun (R-IN) and in the U.S. House by Reps. Armstrong (R-ND) and McBath (D-GA), this legislation will bring additional transparency and accountability to the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) through institutional inspections, the creation of a secure and separate office to field complaints and reports of violence and abuse, and enhanced Congressional oversight.
In response to this week’s passage, JustLeadershipUSA (JLUSA) President and CEO DeAnna Hoskins issued the following statement: “Today, we celebrate the passage of a long-overdue piece of legislation that will bring critical oversight to a system that has continued to fail those in its custody and care. As the media, our allies, and our communities of directly impacted leaders all continue to report years of abuse, neglect, and inhumane conditions of confinement, action must no longer be delayed.
“As one of the nation’s only not-for-profit, justice organizations that is both founded by and led by formerly incarcerated people, we know from experience all-too-well the harms endured by those in the custody of correctional facilities across the country and specifically the BOP. JLUSA’s national policy platform and our health equity report have called for this historical legislation directly from our national policy table, of those closest to the problem who are closest to the solution but have been farthest from resources and power to change it—the JustUS Coordinating Council.
“We also know, however, that careful implementation of key provisions—such as BOP facility assessments and the creation of an ombudsman to empower the voice of those incarcerated to report violations—must be done with great care, inclusion, and consultation with those impacted by the criminal legal system. While the harms inflicted cannot be undone, the full passage and proper implementation of the Federal Prison Oversight Act is indeed a necessary step in addressing our nation’s failed prison system. We call on President Biden to quickly sign this legislation into law before more lives are lost and more harm is done.”
Learn more about how we are elevating issues impacting the 70+ million justice-impacted Americans at the Federal level through the JustUS Coordinating Council at justuscc.org.
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