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In a democratic society, the right to vote is sacrosanct; it is the cornerstone upon which all other rights and privileges rest. JustLeadershipUSA (JLUSA) condemns the recent efforts by Nebraska’s Republican Attorney General and Secretary of State, Mike Hilgers and Bob Evnen, to deny the constitutional rights of a whole segment of its citizens, by halting any new voter registrations of Nebraskans with felony convictions. This non-subtle attempt to impact the outcomes of elections, not only in the State of Nebraska, but the 2024 Presidential Election as well, is a continuation of discrimination that dates back to the era of Jim Crow laws which sought to marginalize Black voters. The 15th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution explicitly prohibits the denial of the right to vote based on race, color, or previous condition of servitude.
JustLeadershipUSA strongly opposes Nebraska officials’ attempts to block the restoration of voting rights.
On July 18, 2024, LB20 which had been recently passed by the state legislature, was set to go into effect. The law eliminated the two-year, post-sentence waiting period before a person with a felony conviction can register to vote once they completed their sentence.
JLUSA’s Executive Vice President of Strategic Partnerships, Ronald Simpson-Bey, released the following statement: “JustLeadershipUSA strongly opposes Nebraska officials’ attempts to block the restoration of voting rights. Such actions erode the very foundation of our democracy, and the fabric of our society, which relies on the principle that every citizen constitutionally deserves to have their voice heard. Denying citizens, who have paid their debt to society the right to vote, perpetuates a cycle of disenfranchisement, exclusion, classism, and racism. By restoring voting rights to formerly incarcerated citizens, we uphold the values of redemption, equality, and justice, ensuring that the unalienable rights of our citizens—life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness—are recognized and protected.”
Blocking voting rights restoration unconstitutionally extends punishment beyond the judicially sanctioned sentence, which runs contrary to the principles of proportionality and fairness enshrined in our legal system.
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