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“‘This Is Not My Home’ by Simply Naomi is a soul classic cover originally sung by The Lady Lifers of SCI Muncy. Performed at TEDx in 2014 where Simply Naomi wrote the gospel influenced chord progressions, this song opened up the conversation around commutation for women in Pennsylvania — which had only been granted to two women since 1989 up until that point.
We are only human and most of us have rehabilitated …
“Since that performance, this number has more than tripled (including the commutation of Lady Lifer Naomi Blount Wilson aka Simply Naomi). Her powerful delivery of her true life testimony, filled with runs and riffs, will send chills up your spine. This live performance was taped at Roulette in Brooklyn, New York for Die Jim Crow’s Ten Year Anniversary and is the first single from the upcoming album DJCX Live [Freer Records].
“‘I’m humbled to sing this song as a free woman, but it doesn’t change my passion for the song, because I still have so many of my sisters serving LIFE without the possibility of parole. I’m really proud of what this song has become in terms of giving people a glimpse of who we are as people. We are only human and most of us have rehabilitated and will not only contribute positively, but thrive in society.” —Simply Naomi
Watch Simply Naomi perform “This Is Not My Home”:
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