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New documentary film festival taking place inside Sing Sing prison

October 23, 2024

[In the future, a director might] feel like the film is incomplete unless it gets a stamp of approval from an incarcerated jury.

“Lawrence Bartley says his new upcoming film festival will put a unique critical eye on film documentaries about prisons and policing — because its judges will be incarcerated people.

“‘It brings authenticity,’ says Bartley, organizer of the Sing Sing Film Festival, which is based in and will also include screenings and panel discussions at the New York State maximum security prison of the same name.

Listen to this story starting at 18:40:

“‘I was incarcerated for some time. And I watch those, I say ’nah, this wouldn’t happen,’” he said of popular TV shows like CSI or Law & Order. “They wouldn’t just unveil surprise evidence like that. Or, that piece of evidence is not indicative of of of guilt or innocence,” he told As It Happens host Nil Köksal.

“For the upcoming festival, Bartley and the festival co-organizers selected a jury of five judges from people currently incarcerated in Sing Sing. They will review five documentary films that depict policing and prisons, and then choose a winner out of that group. All films must be approved by New York State’s Department of Correction.

“The winner will be announced on October 24, during a festival awards night that will also show a program of short films and feature a panel of filmmakers and the judges. …

“Bartley added he hopes that the unique perspective of Sing Sing’s judges will one day be held in wider regard among the industry.

“‘[A film] might make the regular circuit in a big film festival, but [the director might] feel like the film is incomplete unless it gets a stamp of approval from an incarcerated jury. Because this is about criminal justice, they can make sure that it is authentic,’ he said.”

Read the full story at CBC.ca.

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