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Kesha Hamilton

#LwC2021 Fellow

What is your current work?

I work daily to dismantle systemic and structural racism. Racism is one of the primary factors to the conditions we face in society. I currently sit on our local districts’ Board of Education after winning in November of 2020. Education is one of the most impactful and first institutions where our children are placed on the school to prison pipeline – blinders in racial bias is a factor that I am working hard to illuminate and eliminate. I chair the first in our state Racial Equity Commission – created in response to George Floyds death, tasked with reviewing city policies and practices through a racial equity lens and making recommendations to city council to adjust these. I am also the founder and owner of Diverse Minds Consulting, LLC (DMC) a business I created to fill a void in historically authentic racial equity consultation and training from the lived experience lens.

Biggest Challenge of 2021:

I hit a milestone age this year and the physical changes related to it, as well as adjusting to working from home full time, zooming for all meetings, and coping with the prolonged impacts of COVID to myself and my family – these have been my biggest challenges of this year.

Biggest Accomplishment of 2021:

I am graduating with 2 Bachelor of Science (Political Science and Public & Nonprofit Administration) degrees this month. As an adult learner, recently divorced and single mom to six finishing with honor – this is an accomplishment I am quite proud of and happy to complete.

What have you gained from your LwC training:

Finding the strength to leave a 16-year marriage with my six children taught me that I could do almost anything. LwC gave me strategy, VPSA and our amazing JLUSA family – but more importantly an honest confidence in my abilities and awareness of my inherent worth.

Any final message to the JLUSA community?

‘Those closest to the problem are closest to the solution.’ We are the most qualified to educate, train, teach, offer solutions, and lead change. As Uncle Ron says and I leave with you, ‘Own your greatness!’