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Adam Grant


Adam Grant is the newly appointed Executive Director of A Brighter Way (ABW), which is located in Ypsilanti, Michigan. ABW is an organization focused on empowering returning citizens through direct mentoring. Adam hopes to build ABW into a prototypical reentry service organization with a replicable platform for other organizations to reproduce. Prior to this appointment, and through the end of December, Adam work(ed) for A Recovery Community Organization named Jackson Area Recovery Community (JARC), as their Coordinator. His favorite part of this role has been working with and listening to the members of the community to tailor events and services to local needs and desires. In this role he has worked on stigma reduction campaigns and highlighted the crossover between the recovery and justice impacted communities.

Adam further volunteers and contracts with Nation Outside (NO), an organization entirely comprised of the formerly incarcerated. His role within this organization has primarily been engagement and community building. He aligns himself with organizations such as these because his own experience shows the necessity for opportunities to elevate the lived experiences of the formerly incarcerated, to empower returning citizens to be invested members of our communities, to reduce both internal and external stigmas, to change policies and systems, and to reach beyond the limits of traditional allies in these endeavors. He believes that pain is transformative and pain that is attached to a purpose can become an unstoppable transformative force.