Alaina Combs


Alaina Combs is from Louisville, KY.  The mother of two beautiful little girls, she was caught in the cycle of incarceration but learned how to break that cycle through personal recovery and personal development. Alaina is a part-time student on the path to become a social worker specializing in substance abuse. She is an advocate for criminal justice reform, speaks regularly with policymakers, and works with a Smart Justice group organized by the ACLU of Kentucky. Alaina is the Program Director of the Women’s Healing Place which is the largest recovery center in Kentucky and is a model program.  It   is one of the only places that accepts ladies straight off the streets at no charge and also has women coming straight from the prison system.  They come in the hope of reducing their chance of reoffending and becoming productive members of society. Alaina’s passion is to continue this work, make a difference in her community, and reduce the prison population in our country.