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Charlotte Garnes



Charlotte Garnes received her Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice from Georgia Southern University in Statesboro, GA and her Master of Arts in Counseling from Webster University in Columbia, SC.  Charlotte co-launched Reintegrated Voices, an organization specializing in giving voice to formerly incarcerated people and sharing their experiences by providing them with a platform for success. In 2020, Innovative Staffing Solutions, headed by Charlotte, will staff and assist in employing formerly incarcerated/directly impacted individuals.

As an advocate, mentor, social change agent and educator, it is Charlotte’s desire to assist formerly incarcerated females returning home with more professional and wholesome opportunities to obtain employment and housing and to meet their goals for self-sufficiency.   Through her vision, Charlotte intends to use her focus and passion to shift the local community’s perception of mass incarceration, especially affecting the female population. Through her personal experience, she works to reduce the stigma and prejudices surrounding formerly incarcerated and/or convicted individuals.

Charlotte volunteers with an array of organizations, from United Way to Prison to PhD.  She serves as a mentor to young women across the globe who advocate for criminal justice, social and healthcare change.  She currently sits on the boards of Liberty County Re-Entry Coalition, Carnegie Writers, and ReStore Her.