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Dominique Grant


Dominique Grant is the current Campaign and Community Organizer for Women on the Rise. Dominique was born and raised in the Bronx, NY, with the understanding that the people around her deserved more resources than what was provided. She grew up directly impacted as a child of an incarcerated parent.

In 2015, Dominique had the opportunity to intern at the White House under the Obama administration and soon realized her passion was on the ground. In 2015 Dominique graduated with a BA in Political Science and Communications at a predominantly white institution, Wesleyan College. During her time at Wesleyan, she was able to assist the school in organizing to get their racist history removed.

Dominique began her career in corporate America and used that time to develop her skills and learn more about capitalism and how it can affect progress and change in communities. She also gained a better understanding of business processes and organization. During that time, Dominique was able to attain her Master’s in Business Administration. Shortly after obtaining her graduate degree, Dominique got married and gave birth to her son. She is excited to be involved in grassroots efforts to make indirect changes to her community.