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Jessica Zarling


Jessica Zarling is founding “The Great I Am” Foundation in Milwaukee where she provides Biblical guidance, support, and knowledge in how to heal in spite of the many broken systems, oppressed people encounter. She volunteers with the youth, teaching them their lives have purpose in Christ. She meets with two prison ministries and encourages the volunteers in bringing healing, wholeness, transparency, and love. She has spoken at the Wisconsin Women’s Resource Center & Marquette University regarding her journey through an abusive relationship, and the criminal “justice” system. Her life was transformed as she began to find her worth in the sacrifice of Christ and by others who consistently volunteered their time and spoke life into her. She continues to stay connected with the women who are in, and reentering, providing peer support and advocacy. Jessica is working towards a Master’s Degree in counseling to further her advocacy for humanity, spreading the truth “all people have equal value.”Today Jessica has a testimony of triumph as she continues to use the hardships of her past to help others. She has a progressive vision of wiser, more cost-effective ways to rehabilitate hurting and broken people. Sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ first and foremost, providing treatment, and investing in education, rather than incarceration, will result in a better future USA.