Ken Moss serves as a Trainer and Director of Reentry Connect, a non-profit community-building model developed to connect returning citizens and community members in dynamic relationships that create mindset shifts and promotes personal and community growth. Ken is also the Co-founder of the Ohio Association of Formerly Incarcerated Offenders Inc. Whose mission is to elevate the voice of previously incarcerated individuals to challenge perceptions and change systems to lower recidivism throughout Ohio.
Ken sits as a mentor and community reentry advocate and resource provider for the Southern District Federal Reentry Court. He is an Elder at the Potter’s House Dayton International Ministries and a volunteer Chaplain with the State of Ohio’s Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections and the Montgomery County Jail. Ken finds providing Biblical counsel and spiritual instruction to those incarcerated behind prison walls both (spiritually/mentally), very impactful and rewarding. Ken, his wife and children live in Dayton, Ohio. He completed his Bachelors of Arts in Criminology from California Creek University and holds a Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) Certificate. Ken is continuing his education seeking a Master’s Degree in Criminal Justice and Christian Counseling.