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Kristen Laschober


Kristy Laschober is the author of the best-selling book, Perfectly Flawed: Uncovering Your Greatest Purpose — a raw, interactive, reflective reading experience, that reveals the complexity of the human spirit in all of its glory, pain, and compassion.

Kristy has been a fierce advocate for re-entry and prison reform since her release from a five-year prison sentence in 2017, advocating for new opportunities and second chances. Kristy earned her degree in Innovation and Leadership, graduating summa cum laude, and has dedicated her life to freeing other women from the invisible chains that bind them. Kristy led a successful fight to remove the criminal history box on all college applications in Oregon in 2021.

Kristy has a certificate in Community Storytelling, is a Certified Peer Support Specialist, and is a member of the Faces of Women Imprisoned Speakers Bureau. Kristy is a board member of the Association of Justice-Involved Females and Organizations, a member of Unlock Higher Ed, and is passionate about bridging communities and cultures so that people have opportunities to realize their ultimate potential.