Layne Pavey


Layne Pavey is a Mental Health Clinician & Certified Peer Counselor who received her Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science and Sociology from Montana State University Billings in 2005, and her Master’s Degree in Social Work from Eastern Washington University in 2014. She has a private practice in psychotherapy and is also an EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing) Therapy Provider, helping individuals and families heal from traumas. Layne returned to society in 2011 after serving twenty months in a federal institution.

She is the co-owner and CEO of Revive Reentry Services, LLC where she supervises reentry specialists and engages reentering citizens in programs necessary to ensure forward progress. She is a stanch advocate for the formerly incarcerated population and works in community organizing and political advocacy. Layne serves on the Executive Committee of Smart Justice Spokane, is a co-facilitator with Community Partners in Transition Services (CTPS) and is the Founder of I Did the Time, an advocacy group consisting of formerly incarcerated individuals and families.