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Maria Morales


Maria Morales is the mother of five children who has spent more than fifteen years fighting a war with drug addiction and the stigma that comes with it. She possesses an intimate knowledge of drug addiction and its connection to the criminalization of people of color. As a woman who was personally caught up in the judicial system, Maria spent many years trying to “fix others,” but has come to the realization that people have to fix themselves. But she also understands that resources and opportunities must exist for individuals to be successful.

She has therefore made it a priority to find resources, fight for policy change, and empower those directly impacted by mass incarceration. Maria is the Co-Founder of the Pillars of the Community Scholars Society and the San Diego City College Social Justice Coalition. She serves on the board of directors of Pillars of the Community and is a community leader with the ACLU of San Diego and Imperial Counties.