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Timothy Lanier


Tim is Co-Founder of the Empowerment Alliance (EA) and a veteran who served honorably in the U.S. Navy. Tim’s perspective of the criminal justice system is derived from 18 years of incarceration in the Alabama Department of Corrections. Having assisted peers in drafting and responding to legal submissions, his advocacy ignited the beginnings of as a passionate activist for criminal justice reform.

While incarcerated Tim developed a passion for teaching. He was often called upon to serve as facilitator for classes focusing on managing anger, surviving substance use disorder, and building life skills for everyday living. One of his more impactful class, Reality Therapy, required participants to examine past life experiences to acknowledge errors and mistakes. After acknowledgment participants were provided core principles to develop future goals for success.

Tim continues share his life experiences in encouraging directly impacted individuals in pursuing restoration of voting rights to exercise their voice:

Matter of Fact with Soledad O’Brien –


Too poor to vote: How Alabama’s ‘new poll tax’ bars thousands of people from voting –


In wake of reports, Alabama clarifies that some felons can vote despite debts – https://www.al.com/news/index.ssf/2017/10/in_wake_of_reports_alabama_cla.html