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Derek Chauvin Found Guilty on all Counts in the Murder of George Floyd

April 20, 2021

NEW YORK — Today, the jury in Derek Chauvin’s trial found him guilty of second-degree murder, third-degree murder, and manslaughter in the killing of George Floyd. JustLeadershipUSA President & CEO DeAnna Hoskins issued the following statement:

“Systemic racism is deeply ingrained in our national fabric, and subconscious and conscious biases within police and police departments have played a role in the violence against the Black and brown community at the hands of the very people who are supposed to protect them.

This case was one more example of that. We are grateful for the work and effort of the jury who tirelessly worked to bring about justice in the case and found the defendant guilty on all three counts. The verdict is a victory over our country’s reliance on incarceration, oppression and marginalization that continues to cost Black and brown people their lives.

But, despite the verdict, the death of Black and brown people, for what amounts to alleged misdemeanor crimes, continues to plague marginalized people and communities. People like Sandra Bland, Eric Garner and Freddie Gray were still detained — and lost their lives — because of misdemeanor offenses at the hands of police. We must focus on divestment from over policing and investment in building thriving communities.

Underscoring this, we released our National Platform for 2021, which calls for meaningful change with the help of the Biden administration to ensure that not only does something like this never happen again, but also that those making the reentry from incarceration have a more streamlined and just process. It is only when we create the social framework of equity and protection for all that we will see these tragedies stop, and human life preserved in a dignified way.”

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