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Georgia Senate vote illustrates the power of marginalized voices

January 6, 2021

Statement of JustLeadershipUSA President and CEO DeAnna Hoskins

Contact: Michael Paul Jackson (646-397-8069 or communications@jlusa.org)

NEW YORK — Today, Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff won the Georgia Senate runoff, with Warnock becoming the first Black senator in Georgia’s history to be elected to the Senate. JustLeadershipUSA President and CEO DeAnna Hoskins issued the following statement in response:

“Today’s result in the Georgia Senate illustrates what happens when Black and Brown people cast their votes and have their voices heard in the decisions that affect them and their communities. We must all have the right to choose who represents us at all levels of government, but for too long, voter suppression and disenfranchisement has kept marginalized people out of the voting booths.

“The Georgia Senate race shows the power in educating, elevating and empowering directly impacted voices, but there is more work to be done. We demand that incoming legislators champion policies that uplift and recognize the human dignity of all people and ensure that everyone’s human rights are protected. We demand legislators remove the barriers that prevent incarcerated people from exercising their right to vote, so that they can create a real democracy that is equitable and just for all.”

“Lastly, we demand that the new administration adopt federal incentives for states and local governments to adopt emergency management recommendations that protect the lives of incarcerated people during ANY kind of natural disaster. With coronavirus now becoming the leading cause of death in the U.S., adopting these recommendations is essential to saving lives.”


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