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JustLeadershipUSA Denounces The Signing Into Law Of Incarceration Expansion Bill SB10 By California Governor Jerry Brown – Statement From Lex Steppling, Lead National Organizer

August 28, 2018

As participants in the dynamic and overwhelming community opposition both statewide and nationally to this unjust legislation and in solidarity with the people of California JustLeadershipUSA denounces the signing into law of SB10 by California Governor Jerry Brown. This law replaces unjust money bail with racially biased risk assessment technology in all 58 counties in California –and gives law enforcement, prosecutors, and judges –ultimate authority to cage our communities.

Governor Brown’s signing of SB10, once again forces communities targeted by law enforcement and the carceral system to put their freedom into the hands of a state and system that has separated families and devastated communities and bodies for generations.

In their haste to eliminate the exploitative and parasitic cash bail system, legislators in California ushered in a system of unchecked judicial power over the lives of the accused, fallible technology as a profiling tool, and an unconstitutional set of provisions which would take the burdens off of the courts to prove themselves justified in locking up a human being. Legislators and proponents made the abhorrent choice to use language born out of the struggle to end money bail, as cover to push for alternative race- and wealth-based jailing which is sure to further weaken due process and the presumption of innocence for people jailed before trial. This is a net-widening law that is designed to expand the already massive California penal system and increase the number of people in jail and prison throughout the state.  

California’s elected officials, the majority Democrats who claim to be a part of “the resistance” have made a choice not to protect against the pretrial punishments that impact unconvicted people, including: incarceration, housing and job loss, education disruption, immigration jail and deportation, loss of child custody, and many other dire consequences, including the loss of life. Our vision remains for the State of California to prioritize the health, family and community ties, and social safety net of individuals so that they can have a fair chance at justice. Our vision remains to organize to decarcerate California and have real healing in our communities.

California already has more people jailed pre-trial than anywhere in the world. With so many people including our neighbors and families, impacted by California’s horrific legacy of imprisoning its residents, elected officials and advocates who brought us this bill will now have to face us and our movement for justice as the work to stop implementation of this racially unjust and unconstitutional law hits the ground.

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