Sony Corporation of America Awards JustLeadershipUSA a “One Sony” Donation from Its Global Social Justice Fund


September 7, 2022

JustLeadershipUSA (JLUSA) is proud to announce that Sony Corporation of America, on behalf of Sony Group Corporation (“Sony”) and its affiliates in the Americas, has awarded a “One Sony” donation from its Global Social Justice Fund to support JLUSA’s Leading with Conviction (LwC) program to develop a pipeline for formerly incarcerated leaders who can serve in positions of power, advancing systems change work.

JLUSA, a national non-profit founded by and led by directly impacted people, is dedicated to decarcerating the United States by educating, elevating, and empowering the people and communities most impacted by systemic racism to drive, amplify, and sustain the kinds of policy reform that builds thriving, sustainable, and healthy communities. We amplify the power of directly impacted people by investing in their voices, so they have the tools and resources to self-organize and advocate for themselves and their families.

JLUSA’s President and CEO DeAnna Hoskins said, “As organizations across the country recognize the importance and benefit of including those directly impacted by the criminal legal system on their boards, in leadership positions—as advocates, speakers, and mentors, as well as service providers and developers—JustLeadershipUSA has seen a significant increase in the demands on the time and expertise of our directly impacted leaders around the country. The enhancement of our curriculum to meet the needs of these leaders naturally translates to producing more effective leaders in the field, which will help to grow the movement and excellence of training.”

“The Sony Global Social Justice Fund is committed to supporting initiatives that drive real impact in local and national communities,” said Karen E. Kelso, Sony’s Vice President of Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Impact. “We are proud to support the impactful work of JustLeadershipUSA and its Leading with Conviction (LwC) program, a cohort-based, 12-month-long advanced leadership training specifically tailored for leaders directly impacted by the criminal justice or youth justice system. This contribution will assist in expanding the program to help transform criminal and social justice in this country.”