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JustLeadershipUSA elevates, empowers and educates the people most impacted by discriminatory policies to provide them with the tools they need to be more drive policy change, be more effective advocates, and organize supporters in their own communities. See our resources below:

Addressing the Stigma around Substance Use Disorders

A free, evidence-based e-learning course …

COVID-19 vaccine information for residents of correctional facilities

Frequently asked questions about the COVID-19 Vaccine, including a downloadable PDF in English and Spanish …

Documenting and Confronting the Carceral State

Multimedia research reports created by the Carceral State Project at the University of Michigan on the various ways we are …

Voting with a Disability

See resource links for information related to voting with disabilities. (via Nonprofit VOTE) …

General Guide on Voting Rights

Learn more about how to exercise your voting rights, resist voter intimidation efforts, and access disability-related accommodations and language assistance …

State Laws on Time Off to Vote

Know your state’s laws on taking time off from work to vote. (via Workplace Fairness) …

Ballot Measures

Official state election documents made public online for voters to review measures on their 2020 election ballots. (via BallotPedia) …

States With Same Day Voter Registration

As of 2020, a total of 21 states plus the District of Columbia have enacted same day registration (SDR), which …

Felony Disenfranchisement Laws Map

A patchwork of state felony disfranchisement laws, varying in severity from state to state, prevent approximately 5.85 million Americans with …