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Past Campaigns


In its first five years JLUSA spearheaded a number of grassroots campaigns. These campaigns became our pilot projects to demonstrate that when those most impacted rise into leadership and demand change, change happens. JLUSA spearheaded successful movements to close jails in Philadelphia, Milwaukee, and Los Angeles. We were launched into the national spotlight with our multi-year campaign to close the infamous Rikers Island jail complex in New York City. Many efforts to close Rikers had failed in the past. JLUSA’s campaign achieved its goal because leaders directly impacted by the jail’s horrific conditions demanded its closure.

During this period, JLUSA also launched its #WORKINGfuture Campaign which was committed to eliminating the devastating barriers to health, housing, and work experienced by 70 million people living with a criminal record in the United States. Led by JLUSA, and in partnership with directly impacted communities, the #WORKINGfuture campaign built power within and among impacted communities to challenge legislative barriers that exclude people from the future they deserve, and transform the narrative about the lifelong impacts of collateral consequences on people, families, and communities.

Philadelphia, PA

Milwaukee, WI

Los Angeles, CA

New York, NY

New York

South Carolina, Michigan & Rhode Island