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JustLeadershipUSA believes that those closest to the problem are closest to the solution, but furthest away from resources and power. We believe it is imperative that those in prison are heard and that their inherent worth and dignity are recognized.
People are utilizing the only form of advocacy afforded to them in prison and are making demands that we support, such as: humane living conditions, access to rehabilitation, sentencing reform and the end of modern day slavery. (Read demands here: bit.ly/2L2lqrL).
Many of us were once inside and whether a person has been sentenced to 1 day or 100 years, we do not forget them. Those inside of jails and prisons and those returning home are our family members, friends, loved ones, comrades and fellow human beings. We are committed to decarcerating jails, prisons and neighborhoods and building communities with the racial, economic, and environmental justice needed for a transformed world.
For more information on the prison strike read here: bit.ly/2L2lqrL and direct all inquiries to prisonstrikemedia@gmail.com.
Thank you so much for supporting our mission here at JLUSA! Your donation helps to support our network of leaders working to dismantle oppressive systems and uplift people and families impacted by mass incarceration across the country.
All charitable donations made to JLUSA are fully tax deductible, as allowable by the IRS.
Mail that includes checks only:
P.O. Box 23681
New York, NY 10087-3681
All other mail:
P.O. Box 1730, New York, NY 10037
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JustLeadershipUSA® is a non-partisan organization. The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed belong solely to the individual author or speaker, and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the organization.