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Statement from the #WORKINGfuture Campaign and the Clean Slate Michigan Coalition on the MI Legislature’s Early Summer Recess

June 20, 2019

Statement from the #WORKINGfuture Campaign and the Clean Slate Michigan Coalition on the MI Legislature’s Early Summer Recess

The Michigan Legislature has cancelled their session next week and will recess for the summer. As a coalition, we are deeply disappointed that the Legislature did not prioritize the expansion and automation of expungement as a part of the spring session.

This legislation has the potential to remove harsh barriers to employment, housing, and education, among other things, for people with conviction records. Right now in Michigan, the expungement process is complicated and costly, and too few people are eligible. As a result, approximately only 6 percent of Michiganders take advantage of expungements. Yet, the people remain and prosper in their communities.  Expanding expungement is critical to reversing the harms of mass criminalization, as well as building out the economic security of communities across the state.

Throughout the summer, we will continue to educate key stakeholders on the importance of expanding expungement for Michiganders in preparation for a renewed push for legislative action in the Fall.

Please stay tuned for future events at: jlusa.org/campaign/workingfuture/ or for more information contact #WORKINGfuture Michigan Statewide Organizer Hakim Nathaniel Crampton at: hakim@jlusa.org.


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