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Statement on the Election of Joe Biden

November 7, 2020

Deanna Hoskins, President & CEO of JustLeadershipUSA

NEW YORK —  Today, Joe Biden was named the 46th President of the United States, after winning Pennsylvania’s electoral votes over President Trump. JustLeadershipUSA President and CEO DeAnna Hoskins issued the following statement:

“With Joe Biden’s election, people around the country — particularly marginalized communities — may take a moment to breathe from an election season fraught with unprecedented voter suppression and disenfranchisement. Despite these hurdles, we saw record turnout from Black and Brown voters who have been historically oppressed. In the face of unprecedented attempts to silence their voices, these communities organized and made the difference.

“But Joe Biden and Vice President-Elect Harris inherit a nation still living under the historical legacy of slavery, reflected in everything from our mass incarceration policies, to health care, housing, and education. Right now, more than 2 million people are currently locked up in the U.S., with an additional 5.7 million under criminal justice supervision. A total of 64 million have criminal records.

“We demand that the incoming administration champion policies that are truly equitable in the treatment of all people, and ensure that human rights and dignity for all are protected. We demand an administration that meets people’s basic needs so that they can live in safe and thriving communities, and have access to the life they envision for themselves and their families.

“Finally, we demand the new administration champion and adopt federal incentives for states and local governments to adopt emergency management policies that protect the lives of incarcerated people during ANY kind of natural disaster. As coronavirus cases spike around the country, this will save lives.

“Today, we celebrate the historic election of the first woman of color to the country’s second-highest office, and a leader who offers more policies rooted in human respect and dignity. Tomorrow, we continue the important work to elevate, educate and empower directly impacted people, and create a democracy that is just and fair for all.”

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