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Zakia Leach

Social Services and Crime Prevention Specialist

Zakia Leach is a social services and crime prevention specialist who lives on the southeast side of Chicago. She is a justice-impacted individual, who is the product of a single mother home. Her father passed away when she was 16 years old, and she currently takes care of her mother and siblings.

Her career in social services began with her desire to address systematic inequalities, because of her lived experience. Over the past five years, she has worked tirelessly to provide resources, guidance, and support to individuals and families affected by crime and social injustice. Her roles have involved case management, advocacy, and program development all aimed at creating safer and more equitable communities.

Her vision extends beyond her current role, as she is actively working towards opening and operating a non-profit organization dedicated to reentry and justice reform. This organization will provide comprehensive support to individuals transitioning from incarceration back into society; offering services such as job training and legal assistance, all with the goal to reduce recidivism, promote successful reintegration, and advocate for systematic changes in the criminal justice system.