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Over 70 million people in the United States have a criminal record. For people living with a record, their punishment is not limited to the court’s sentence. A criminal record can produce a lifetime of barriers and exclusions which are often called “collateral consequences.” Voter disenfranchisement, loss of housing and healthcare, disruption of or lack of access to education, and discriminatory hiring practices have created the need for the #WORKINGfuturecampaign. #WORKINGfuture is an economic justice campaign to restore the civil and human rights of people with records and formerly incarcerated people: We demand a new “Bill of Rights” for workers with criminal records.
Thank you so much for supporting our mission here at JLUSA! Your donation helps to support our network of leaders working to dismantle oppressive systems and uplift people and families impacted by mass incarceration across the country.
All charitable donations made to JLUSA are fully tax deductible, as allowable by the IRS.
Mail that includes checks only:
P.O. Box 23681
New York, NY 10087-3681
All other mail:
P.O. Box 1730, New York, NY 10037
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