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Trump Plans New Barriers for Job Seekers with Records

April 11, 2019

A new rule proposed by the Trump administration would require applicants for federal jobs or contractor positions to inform the employer if they’ve ever completed a diversion program — a move that would defeat the purpose of a policy that’s meant to protect people from discrimination in the hiring process.

This proposal will erect even higher barriers for people with records when searching for employment. At JustLeadershipUSA, particularly through the #WORKINGfuture campaign, we fight so that everyone with a record can have access to meaningful employment, affordable basic services, and dignity for themselves and their families. If this proposed rule is passed, it will continue a decades-long trend that excludes people with records from employment, food access, housing, voting, and other basic human and civil rights.

We need your voice to call on the Trump administration to end this dangerous practice before it begins.

We are calling on all JustLeadershipUSA members and supporters to submit a letter to the Trump Administration before April 23rd to demand an end to this proposal. 

Dear JLUSA.org Blog Reader, 

In our 10th anniversary year, JustLeadershipUSA’s work of educating, elevating, and empowering justice-impacted leaders continues and is growing even stronger!

We are preparing for our very special 10th anniversary gala in New York City on October 21st, and we would love for you to be there with us.

This is going to be a very special time to look back on the past decade of JLUSA’s important work, the 1,600+ leaders we have helped get to the next level in their work, and even more importantly, we will look ahead to the next 10 years and beyond!

We can’t do this without you. We need your support to help us continue to do this work now and into the future. By purchasing a $50 streaming ticket, you are saying to the amazing leaders in our network who represent the 70+ million Americans who have been directly impacted by the criminal legal system, “I see you, and I support you!”

Please plan now to join us in person or give a one-time $100 gift or set up a recurring $10 monthly donation to celebrate JLUSA’s 10th anniversary year, and together we will build a fair and just U.S. Thank you!

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