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JLUSA President and CEO attends White House Convening on Equity

May 26, 2023

On Tuesday, May 23, JustLeadershipUSA President and CEO DeAnna Hoskins attended a White House Convening on Equity. This in-person convening was an opportunity for equity advocates and community stakeholders to share their individual perspectives regarding strategies that federal agencies may advance in their next Equity Action Plans, pursuant to Executive Order 14091 (Further Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through The Federal Government), and ideas for federal agencies to strengthen public participation and community engagement.

The Biden-Harris Administration shared its progress in implementing the President’s equity mandate and highlighted the innovative work that communities across the country are leading to equitably implement new federal funding from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), and other recent legislation.

Even as we build our own table, we will continue to show up to tables we are invited to and provide a perspective from the justice-impacted community!

Dear JLUSA.org Blog Reader, 

In our 10th anniversary year, JustLeadershipUSA’s work of educating, elevating, and empowering justice-impacted leaders continues and is growing even stronger!

We are preparing for our very special 10th anniversary gala in New York City on October 21st, and we would love for you to be there with us.

This is going to be a very special time to look back on the past decade of JLUSA’s important work, the 1,600+ leaders we have helped get to the next level in their work, and even more importantly, we will look ahead to the next 10 years and beyond!

We can’t do this without you. We need your support to help us continue to do this work now and into the future. By purchasing a $50 streaming ticket, you are saying to the amazing leaders in our network who represent the 70+ million Americans who have been directly impacted by the criminal legal system, “I see you, and I support you!”

Please plan now to join us in person or give a one-time $100 gift or set up a recurring $10 monthly donation to celebrate JLUSA’s 10th anniversary year, and together we will build a fair and just U.S. Thank you!

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