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JLUSA Leaders React to Kamala Harris Becoming the Presumptive Democratic Party Candidate for President

July 31, 2024

“Five years ago, when Kamala Harris was running for president, she labeled herself the ‘top cop’ and ‘progressive prosecutor’ that was ‘tough on crime.’ With that came backlash from some criminal justice reform advocates and even those in law enforcement. In 2024, it’s unclear where she stands ideologically as vice president. …

“Harris’ critics wonder if she learned from the criticism she faced during her 2020 campaign. And they hope that she’s mindful of the words she uses to describe people with justice system involvement — even Trump.

Please refrain from using the word ‘felon’ and all of that rhetoric.

“During her speech this week, she reminded supporters that she was a prosecutor for 30 years who has handled ‘perpetrators’ like Trump before. …

“‘Words like ‘offender,’ ‘inmate,’ ‘felon,’ and ‘convict’ are examples of dehumanizing language,’ DeAnna Hoskins, president and CEO of JustLeadershipUSA, said. ‘For the people who support you, when you dehumanize him [Trump], and they’re not in our world, it dehumanizes us.’

“‘We’re just asking, do not get caught up in the dehumanizing language — hold him accountable for his actions, and the policies he’s violated that turned into a criminal charge, but please refrain from using the word ‘felon’ and all of that rhetoric.’ …

“Defense of Harris’ record does not fall entirely on deaf ears among criminal justice reformer advocates like Robyn Hasan Simpson [Leading with Conviction™ 2022], who said she was initially wary of Harris but is now glad she is positioned to become the Democratic presidential nominee.

“Hasan is the executive director of Women on the Rise, an advocacy group by and for formerly incarcerated women of color. Through her organization, Hasan has been an outspoken proponent of diversionary programs, and learning about Back on Track helped to sway her to Harris’ side.

“‘She’s done a lot around abortion access and [has] been pro Medicare,’ Hasan said. In the aftermath of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, Hasan, like many women, have been ready for a candidate that unequivocally supports the right to choose.”

Read the full story at CapitalBNews.org.

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