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Robyn K. Hasan Simpson


Robyn K. Hasan Simpson is the Executive Director of Women on the Rise. Since coming home, after serving 10 years in prison, she has been fighting to reform the criminal legal system through the campaign of Closing the Atlanta City Detention Center, which has gained national attention. She is the point person for Georgia Clemency program for women that originated from the National Council for Incarcerated Women and Girls. While inside she created a newsletter to help uplift women in her situation, since coming home she continued the newsletter through Women on the Rise and Reverse the Cycle of Incarceration. This newsletter helps keep women she left inside informed and aware of the laws and changes that are being made that affect them inside as well as addressing issues upon coming home. She is also a part of the Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force on Criminal Justice Reform. She lives in Atlanta with her husband Ronald, daughter Nadya, and 4-legged girlfriend Nova.