Emanuel Jackson


Emanuel Price has 14 years of professional experience working in community, policy, and juvenile justice. He has done this work in various capacities, including youthfocused organizations, programs, and, culturally competent education.  His career has specifically focused on social justice issues such as dismantling and redefining the criminal justice system through a restorative justice lens and putting an end to the school to prison pipeline.

Emmanuel channeled his passions and commitment to these issues in 2007 when he founded a not-for-profit organization in Portland, Oregon, Second Chances are for Everyone (SCAFE), supports men, women, and youth as they reintegrate into society postincarceration. This work includes, but is not limited to, assisting with employment and providing mentoring and immediate services. 

Emanuel has built and sustained strong multi-cultural and intergenerational relationships with members of underrepresented communities. Before joining Multnomah County’s Office of Diversity and Equity as the Multnomah Youth Commission Coordinator, he worked in Portland Public Schools as a Schools Uniting Neighborhoods (SUN) Coordinator and a Restorative Justice Teacher. His most recent accomplishments include helping to pass a “Ban the Box” City Ordinance and State Law (House Bill 3025) which increases employment opportunities by 70% for individuals with past criminal convictions. Emanuel also serves on the following boards: Multnomah Public Defenders (MPD) Board, HIV Aids Awareness Prevention(HAAP) Board, Bus Project Board, and the Restorative Justice Statewide Steering Committee (RJSC). 

Emmanuel was recently recognized for his years of work around recidivism as 2015 Spirit Of Portland’s Outstanding Community Leader awardee. As a native of Portland Oregon, Emanuel believes that in order to make positive change, you must first start at home.