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James Gould



James Gould is founder of the Rights Restoration Project (caniexpunge.org), a nonprofit that provides information about individual eligibility for records expungement or mitigation as well as voting rights eligibility of people with criminal records.  He is a former intern for Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP) and the Drug Policy Alliance, a former contractor with the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, and former chapter leader of SSDP at the University of Colorado-Boulder.

After high school, James taught himself computer programing and entered a career doing web development.  Several years later he relocated to Colorado after receiving a job offer in Boulder and became involved with student activism at CU, specifically around drug policy and prison policy. He began attending CU part-time to allow for further involvement in this work. After several years of involvement in student activism and community organizing he started a contract working for the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies which served as his primary place of employment for a year. Later that year he found Caniexpunge, which later became the Rights Restoration Project, and the next year was elected to the board of directors of Students for Sensible Drug Policy.