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Joe Calderon


Joe Calderon is a native of San Francisco. At the age of 23 he started serving a life sentence. After nearly 20 years in prison he began to explore ways to give back to society upon his release. In 2013 Joe was appointed to the San Francisco Reentry Council by the Board of Supervisors and has continued in this role ever since, now sitting on the Policy Subcommittee. He also served on the Equity Advisory Committee with the San Francisco Human Rights Commission with the mission of seeking equity for all people.

Joe enrolled and graduated from City College’s Post-Prison Health Worker Certificate program, and works as a community health worker with Transitions Clinic in the Bayview. He has a passion for working with diverse and disenfranchised populations, leveraging his personal experience with incarceration to advocate the ideals of social justice and community investment. Joe is currently working on a degree in Public Health.