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Khalil A. Cumberbatch

New York

Khalil A. Cumberbatch is a formerly incarcerated advocate who has worked on reentry issues in the New York City area since his release from prison in 2010. In 2014 Khalil received a Master’s Degree in Social Work from CUNY Lehman College where he was awarded the Urban Justice Award for his work with underserved and marginalized communities. He is the Founder and President of Kinetic Solutions, a consulting company focusing on the assessment, implementation and management of multiple social media outlets for agencies within the NYC area. Khalil serves as the Communications and Development Manager, and is a periodic guest host for On The Count: The Prison and Criminal Justice Report, a radio program hosted and produced by formerly incarcerated individuals. He has recently focused his efforts on the concept of perpetual punishment from harsh immigration policies for non-citizens who have criminal justice involvement. Due to this he currently serves as the Strategic Initiatives Consultant at the Immigrant Defense Project, a legal organization that promotes fundamental fairness for immigrants accused or convicted of crimes. In December 2014, Khalil was one of two people to receive an Executive Pardon from New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo to prevent his deportation from the United States.