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Ladji Akil Ruffin


Ladji Ruffin is a pioneer in creating post-incarceration access to supportive services for returning citizens and their families. He is the CEO of Authentic Braille Masters, LLC, providing Braille transcription services for the blind and visually impaired community, and he currently works for the Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities as a Forensic Peer Mentor Trainer and Liaison.

Ladji is recognized as a Certified Peer Specialist in mental health, addictive diseases, Whole Health Wellness Coach, and a Certified Psychiatric Rehabilitation Practitioner. He is also a graduate of the Morehouse School of Medicine Justice-Involved Life Coach Certification Program and is currently attending Mercer University in pursuit of a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice Leadership. His journey includes the successful transition from life as a justice-impacted individual, serving over 23 years, into a successful entrepreneur, public speaker, and Recovery Champion.