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Luke Pamer


Luke Pamer is an organizer from Indianapolis, Indiana. Most of Luke’s efforts have been around racial justice. He is a core organizer with the Indianapolis chapter of Showing Up for Racial Justice.  The chapter works in partnership with the organizations including Indy 10 Black Lives Matter, DONT SLEEP and the Indiana Undocumented Youth Alliance. Their leadership, courage and hard work inspire Luke to continue to organize in the city. He best describes his organizing skills as being a cog in a machine. If he is given an order, he will do his best to accomplish it. However, what he hopes to gain through JLUSA is the ability to create goals when it comes to organizing.

Luke wants to be able to expand his leadership qualities through concrete techniques and tools. He plans to use what he learns through this program and apply it to help further the remarkable work that’s already being done by other incredible activists in Indianapolis.