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Matt Sutton

New York

Matt Sutton is the Director of Communications at the Center for Employment Opportunities (CEO), the largest reentry employment provider in the United States, where he leads the overall communications and marketing for the organization, and oversees the Media Relations, Regional Communications, and Digital Communications teams.

Prior to joining CEO, Matt served as the Director of External Relations & Communications Strategy for the Drug Policy Alliance (DPA). In his previous role, he worked with the media and other external stakeholders/channels to shift the public narrative around drugs and the people involved with them. Matt worked closely on a number of campaigns, including leading the communications for Oregon’s Measure 110, which decriminalized possession of all drugs and has already created over $300 million in funding for voluntary health services, housing, and other supports.

Matt’s passion for this work stems from his own experience being charged with felony drug possession at 18 years old and spending the first eight years of his adult life navigating the Texas criminal legal system. Following Matt’s involvement with the criminal legal system, he completed a B.A. in political communications at George Washington University. From there, Matt went on to work on various political campaigns, communications for a member of the U.S. Congress who was passionate about ending the drug war, and for a wide spectrum of progressive organizations.

He is originally from El Paso, Texas, and currently resides in New York City, with his pitbull, Theo, and cat, Heidi.