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Imagine being born into poverty… without a mother or father.  Picture growing up in the ghetto, surrounded by drugs and murder. Visualize being locked in the Texas State Penitentiary, but then… See yourself going against all odds and graduating from one of the nation’s top universities. This was SaulPaul’s life. Now being featured on America’s Got Talent, 2 TEDxTalks and performances at Google and The Kennedy Center For Performing Arts are some of SaulPaul’s recent career highlights.  SaulPaul, the 2017 Austinite of the Year and one of Austin’s official creative ambassadors, is better known across the country as a Musician with a Message. Part rapper, part singer-songwriter, SaulPaul travels the world entertaining and inspiring audiences as he blends his voice, his guitar and his loop pedal to create a live show that is nothing less than an EXPERIENCE.

In addition to writing songs, he writes books. He is the author of “Dream in 3D.” SaulPaul is the lead character in the mobile gaming app SaulPaul: Dream in 3D (iTunes/GooglePlay). Lastly, he is the subject of the critically acclaimed autobiographical documentary Tower to Tower and an influential voice in corporate social responsibility and youth empowerment.