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Formerly incarcerated people respond to announced closure of the Tombs and Otis Bantum Correctional Center on Rikers Island

October 9, 2020

Statement of JustLeadershipUSA President and CEO DeAnna Hoskins

NEW YORK — Tonight, the New York City Department of Corrections announced that the closure of the Manhattan Detentions Center (aka “The Tombs”) and Otis Bantum Correctional Center on Rikers Island. JustLeadershipUSA President and CEO DeAnna Hoskins issued the following statement in response:

“We commend the Department of Corrections for moving to close the notorious Tombs in Manhattan and one of the complexes on Rikers Island next month. The decision is a much-needed step to further decarcerate New York, and is in keeping with the plan to close Rikers and replace it with four borough-based jails. Every day that Rikers remains open equals horrific human suffering and harm — including death. We urge city officials to expedite the work to close Rikers completely.

“JustLeadershipUSA has worked tirelessly to help build the movement that created the pressure to close Rikers. It is imperative to continue progress toward that goal. In the meantime, the City must continue to work to reduce incarceration and increase investments in resources like housing, healthcare, employment and education — all in line with our #buildCOMMUNITIES platform.”


Loretta Kane

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