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Jackie Mann

President, Elias Foundation

New York, NY

Following a career as a Clinical Social Worker/ Psychoanalyst and Professor of Clinical Practice for SW students, Jackie Mann established the Elias Foundation which supports efforts by under-resourced, communities of color, to organize their constituents around issues of social and economic justice in the Hudson Valley, NY. Currently, the Foundation’s Fellowship supports the training and capacity-building of young progressive activists selected and mentored by an Advisory Committee of local activists. Beyond her involvement in the Elias Foundation, Jackie is a member of the Steering Committee of the Youth Justice Funding Collaborative – a unique partnership between philanthropists and activists that funds efforts to eliminate abuses in the juvenile/criminal justice system. Organized by alumni of The Philanthropy Workshop and Next Generation Leadership of the Rockefeller Foundation, YJFC has granted over $3M to community-led advocacy organizations in New Orleans that are in the vanguard of change for vulnerable youth and Formerly Incarcerated Persons.