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This weekend, President Joe Biden announced he would no longer be seeking the nomination of the Democratic Party for president and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris. In response, JustLeadershipUSA (JLUSA) President and CEO DeAnna Hoskins issued the following statement:
“On the behalf of JustLeadershipUSA, one of the nation’s only tax-exempt justice organizations that is both founded by and led by formerly incarcerated people, I want to say thank you to President Biden for his leadership over the past four years and for his patriotism in recognizing the opportunity of the moment and passing the baton, as we each must learn to do as responsible leaders at one point or another.
“President Biden’s actions reach the highest level of courageousness any leader can exhibit. This step clearly states to the world that he is a servant leader who puts the American people before himself and publicly elevates and supports Vice President Kamala Harris. With this announcement, we recognize that President Biden has six more months to serve out his term, and holds enormous power to effect bold positive change.
President Biden has six more months to serve out his term, and holds enormous power to effect bold positive change.
“In our National Platform and Roadmap, we called on the then-incoming Biden-Harris administration to pursue a number of short-term, mid-term, and long-term legislative and executive actions and reforms. We are renewing our call on President Biden again now to take these immediate actions using his authority:
“When you ran for the office of President in 2020, you promised to reduce the prison population by more than 50%. Instead the number has actually gone up, after years of decline. You now have an unprecedented opportunity to make good on some of your promises and add to your legacy as one of the most important and consequential presidents in U.S. history. The 70+ million Americans who have direct experience of the criminal legal system in this country are watching.
“We thank you for your 52 years of public service. We are grateful to you for the leadership you have demonstrated in leading this nation over the past four years. We want you to finish strong! This is what we, as citizens, need you to complete before you pass the torch to the next administration.”
Learn more about how we are elevating issues impacting the 70+ million justice-impacted Americans at the Federal level through the JustUS Coordinating Council at justuscc.org.
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