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Building a National
Movement to Decarcerate
the United States

JustLeadershipUSA is led by directly impacted people and is dedicated to decarcerating the United States by educating, elevating and empowering the people and communities most impacted by systemic racism to drive meaningful and lasting policy reform.


The Attack on the Capitol Shows the Nation Remains a Tale of Two Countries

What happened in the halls of Congress yesterday at the hands of a destructive mob was reprehensible — but the treatment of that mob by law enforcement should come as no surprise. Indeed, Capitol police were seen taking selfies, holding doors open to allow them to leave the premises, and even assisting down the steps of the Capitol to safety. Their overall response to the storming of the U.S. Capitol yesterday erves only to further illustrate the historic inequality and racial discrimination that Black people, in contrast, have faced for generations.
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We invest in the advancement of formerly incarcerated leaders from across the U.S. working to cut the correctional population in half.

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Leadership In Action

Our alumni network is activated and mobilized to drive policy reform and community reinvestment strategies to cut the U.S. correctional population in half. Past JLUSA-led campaigns are models for local and state advocacy campaigns designed to cut the correctional population and reinvest in communities.

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Ways To Support

At JustLeadershipUSA, we know that the people closest to the problem are also closest to the solution, but often farthest away from resources and power. That’s why we are on a mission to educate, elevate and empower the people and communities most impacted by systemic injustice to drive meaningful and lasting policy reform. But we can’t do it alone.

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