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#FREEnewyork is a grassroots campaign launched in 2017 to achieve real solutions to New York’s statewide jail crisis.

#FREEnewyork is building the power and leadership of New Yorkers most harmed by incarceration, and demanding bold legislative action and fundamental change to New York’s pretrial system.


Join the Fight for Justice

Right now, 25,000 New Yorkers languish in jails across the state on any given day. Nearly 70% are not convicted, but are incarcerated as they await their day in court. The cost of caging New Yorkers in county jails is nearly $2.5 billion per year. New York’s jail crisis disproportionately criminalizes Black & brown people, communities of color, and low-income people.

This is not justice and #FREEnewyork is fighting back.

Anchored by JustLeadershipUSA and led by people directly impacted by mass incarceration, grassroots groups and more than 150 organizations statewide, the #FREEnewyork campaign demands groundbreaking overhaul of New York State’s bail, discovery and speedy trial laws.

We fight for a New York that invests in communities, not incarceration, and prioritizes the freedom of all people. We believe in the power of directly impacted people to transform systems and redefine justice. No one should be jailed because they cannot afford bail. No one should wait months or years for trial. No one should be denied critical evidence about their case.

In April 2019, we proved that change is possible and achievable. We won three historic victories on issues of Bail, Discovery, and Speedy Trial. But, the reforms we won did not fully end money bail or ensure due process for all people.

The fight to #FREEnewyork is not over and we need your help. Join us.

Learn More


#FREEnewyork, led by JustLeadershipUSA, in partnership with organizations and directly

impacted communities, is building statewide power to demand fundamental change. Download to read what we believe:

Read Our MissionDownload Our Mission
Download Policy DemandsDownload Reform Defined
Download Legislative Toolkit
Download By the NumbersBail Fact SheetDiscovery Fact Sheet
Download Bail Policy BriefDownload Discovery Policy BriefDownload Speedy Trial Policy Brief

Because of the unwavering advocacy of directly impacted people and organizations across the state, a historic package of bail, discovery and speedy trial legislation passed in the New York State budget on April 1, 2019.

Learn what comes next in our fight to #FREEnewyork
Download Overview
Download Guide