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Leader’s Stories

To know I’ve given a voice to people who consider themselves voiceless is huge for me.

To know I’ve given a voice to people who consider themselves voiceless is huge for me.

Leading with Conviction is transformational.
I want to leverage technology to end mass incarceration.

I want to leverage technology to end mass incarceration.

When I was only fifteen years old, I was sentenced to eight years in prison and sent to a maximum security facility hours away from my home.
We are people who were caught up in the system and made it out, and now we get to be the voice for other people.

We are people who were caught up in the system and made it out, and now we get to be the voice for other people.

I can’t talk about Leading with Conviction without crying because I’m just so grateful to be a part of this cohort.
You're Born with Either a Fight or Flight Response, And Luckily I was Born with the Fight Response. I've Been Fighting Since I was a Child.

You’re Born with Either a Fight or Flight Response, And Luckily I was Born with the Fight Response. I’ve Been Fighting Since I was a Child.

The best thing I got from Leading with Conviction is I’m never alone. There’s always someone I can reach out to across the country.
What’s at the top of my agenda now is my role as the new criminal justice columnist with 'Creators Syndicate.'

What’s at the top of my agenda now is my role as the new criminal justice columnist with ‘Creators Syndicate.’

I’ve carved out an area in thought leadership, so my advocacy comes in challenging assumptions.
Everybody I Know and Loved is in a Cage and I'm Never Going to Be Okay With That

Everybody I Know and Loved is in a Cage and I’m Never Going to Be Okay With That

That’s what we’re trying to do--use media to shift culture.
I still feel a sense of amazement when I look at where I am today.

I still feel a sense of amazement when I look at where I am today.

The Leading with Conviction training is excellent, and the coaching I received from David was pivotal...
I’ve been out of prison for fifteen years, but I have been reconvicted over and over again because of my criminal record.

I’ve been out of prison for fifteen years, but I have been reconvicted over and over again because of my criminal record.

Over those years I received multiple job offers, but as soon as the employers did a background check, the offers were rescinded, one by one.