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Onward Blog

Image for post titled What’s at the top of my agenda now is my role as the new criminal justice columnist with ‘Creators Syndicate.’

What’s at the top of my agenda now is my role as the new criminal justice columnist with ‘Creators Syndicate.’

By Chandra Bozelko

November 19, 2018

I’ve carved out an area in thought leadership, so my advocacy comes in challenging assumptions.

Image for post titled Everybody I Know and Loved is in a Cage and I’m Never Going to Be Okay With That

Everybody I Know and Loved is in a Cage and I’m Never Going to Be Okay With That

By Ryan Lo, #LwC2018

October 19, 2018

That’s what we’re trying to do--use media to shift culture.

Image for post titled I still feel a sense of amazement when I look at where I am today.

I still feel a sense of amazement when I look at where I am today.

By Seán Dalpiaz, #LwC2018

October 1, 2018

The Leading with Conviction training is excellent, and the coaching I received from David was pivotal...

Image for post titled You’re born either with a fight or flight response, and luckily I was born with the fight response. I’ve been fighting since I was a child.

You’re born either with a fight or flight response, and luckily I was born with the fight response. I’ve been fighting since I was a child.

By Kandra Clark, #LwC2018

For me, Leading with Conviction has been life-changing.

Image for post titled I’ve been out of prison for fifteen years, but I have been reconvicted over and over again because of my criminal record.

I’ve been out of prison for fifteen years, but I have been reconvicted over and over again because of my criminal record.

By Susan Mason, #LwC2018

September 20, 2018

Over those years I received multiple job offers, but as soon as the employers did a background check, the offers were rescinded, one by one.

Image for post titled I’m the founder and president of the National Workforce Opportunity Network.

I’m the founder and president of the National Workforce Opportunity Network.

By Jeffrey Abramowitz, #LwC2018

We are a fully integrated workforce development and career placement for-profit agency serving individuals with barriers to gainful employment.

Image for post titled It’s My Mission to Reengage the Faith Community with Returning Citizens on a Nationwide Basis

It’s My Mission to Reengage the Faith Community with Returning Citizens on a Nationwide Basis

By Rev. Dr. Chris Kimmenez, #LwC2018

September 13, 2018

To be in a room with 30 other leaders has been literally life changing.

Image for post titled I Consider All of the Children Who Are Living in Detention Facilities, Group Homes, and Foster Care to Be My Siblings

I Consider All of the Children Who Are Living in Detention Facilities, Group Homes, and Foster Care to Be My Siblings

By Jennifer Rodriguez, #LwC2018

The Leading with Conviction training has been a life-changing experience.

Image for post titled I am the National Youth Partnership Strategist for the Youth First Initiative.

I am the National Youth Partnership Strategist for the Youth First Initiative.

By Hernán Carvente, #LwC2018

August 30, 2018

We are committed to ending youth incarceration, closing youth prisons, and investing in community-based programs, services and opportunities.

Image for post titled I was committed to being an asset to my community instead of a liability.

I was committed to being an asset to my community instead of a liability.

By Donald Perry, #LwC2018

I have worked in human services for many years with the hungry, homeless and formerly incarcerated.

Image for post titled I want to leave a legacy of humanizing this thing called justice.

I want to leave a legacy of humanizing this thing called justice.

By Steven “Humble” Mangual

I served 14 years in New York State prisons, and it was while I was incarcerated in the Woodbourne Correctional Facility that I discovered my passion

Image for post titled I Have a Real Sense Each Day That the Things I’m Working on are Actually Going to Result in Meaningful Policy Change

I Have a Real Sense Each Day That the Things I’m Working on are Actually Going to Result in Meaningful Policy Change

By Douglas Smith, #LwC2018

August 9, 2018

The Leading with Conviction training is reinforcing the importance of building strong partnerships with grassroots leadership.