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Onward Blog

Image for post titled Announcing the JustUS Coordinating Council

Announcing the JustUS Coordinating Council


February 16, 2023

The JCC is a national network of systems-impacted people who no longer demand a “Seat at the Table” but are instead “BUILDING OUR OWN.”

Image for post titled JLUSA leader Michael Cox speaks out against proposed organ harvesting for reduced prison time legislation

JLUSA leader Michael Cox speaks out against proposed organ harvesting for reduced prison time legislation


February 9, 2023

Michael Cox is speaking out against proposed legislation that would incentivize incarcerated people to donate organs in exchange for less prison time.

Image for post titled Ahead of Biden’s SOTU Address, JLUSA and Other Groups Call on President to Address Criminal Justice Reform

Ahead of Biden’s SOTU Address, JLUSA and Other Groups Call on President to Address Criminal Justice Reform


February 2, 2023

JLUSA and other justice groups call on President Biden to address criminal justice reform in his State of the Union address.

Image for post titled Challenging 50 Years of Mass Incarceration

Challenging 50 Years of Mass Incarceration


January 23, 2023

Join JLUSA Executive Vice President Ronald Simpson-Bey on January 25.

Image for post titled Formerly incarcerated leaders ban slavery in Tennessee

Formerly incarcerated leaders ban slavery in Tennessee


November 9, 2022

JLUSA leaders Dawn Harrington and Keeda Haynes were part of the successful “Vote Yes on 3” campaign.

Image for post titled DeAnna Hoskins Speaks at Inaugural Aspen Justice Network Convening

DeAnna Hoskins Speaks at Inaugural Aspen Justice Network Convening


October 18, 2022

JLUSA President and CEO DeAnna Hoskins spoke in September at the inaugural Aspen Justice Network Convening in Aspen, Colorado.

Image for post titled “Searching for Justice: A Conversation on Race and Reentry” PBS Newshour Livestream Event

“Searching for Justice: A Conversation on Race and Reentry” PBS Newshour Livestream Event


September 30, 2022

Join JLUSA President and CEO DeAnna Hoskins online for a special livestream event hosted by PBS Newshour at Morehouse College in Atlanta.

Image for post titled Cast your vote for JustLeadershipUSA at South by Southwest!

Cast your vote for JustLeadershipUSA at South by Southwest!


August 11, 2022

Help bring formerly incarcerated voices to audiences at next year's South by Southwest festival.

Image for post titled Celebrating Second Chance Month

Celebrating Second Chance Month


April 28, 2022

Everyone deserves a second chance, and this month we're celebrating our leaders working to build support systems for formerly incarcerated people acro