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By Zach Ruppel
August 7, 2023
A new report report from the Legal Action Center and National Workrights Institute addresses concerns about negligent hiring liability.
August 5, 2023
A new short film follows Kent Mendoza and youth he mentors, as they fight for the implementation of alternatives to youth incarceration in California.
August 4, 2023
Leading with Conviction™ 2022 graduate Robyn Hasan speaks out on inhumane conditions in Atlanta jails
August 1, 2023
In June, the Correctional Leaders Association convened a conference to discuss persistent staffing shortages across the country.
July 31, 2023
Rapper JT of the City Girls is helping formerly incarcerated women access therapy, housing assistance, addiction treatment, and more.
July 26, 2023
A dozen criminal justice experts agree: Stay the course on borough-based jails — and a federal takeover of Rikers in the meantime.
July 25, 2023
Leading with Conviction™ 2016 graduate Kara Nelson discusses efforts in Alaska to expand care for incarcerated people suffering from addiction.
July 24, 2023
JustUS Coordinating Council meets with federal departmental offices in Washington, D.C.
July 22, 2023
Robert Downey Jr. is opening up about his year in prison — and why it was the “worst thing” that ever happened to him.
By Jamira Burley
July 13, 2023
JLUSA leader Jamira Burley speaks about prioritizing the voices and experiences of those most affected by systemic injustices.
By Susan Mason
July 12, 2023
Jobs are not going to go to the largest and most diverse talent pool in this nation—the 79 million people with a record. We have solutions.
July 6, 2023
JLUSA leader Dant’e Cottingham and President and CEO DeAnna Hoskins speak about second-chance hiring